Ask the Coach! – October 2024
My name is Donna Jodhan, and I am using my extensive experience as a sight-loss coach, as well as my lived experience, to share and respond to questions that are submitted to me. I also invite you to share your thoughts on questions asked.
For this month:
- A question from Kirstan in Montreal, Canada. Kirstan is looking for a good type of whisk for her to use.My response: Kirstan, I recommend this one: Flat Whisk with Silicone Coils. It is very easy to use and even easier to clean. It washes very well in your kitchen sink. Just add a bit of dish soap, scrub gently, and rinse under warm tap water.
Does anyone have any other suggestions? Tell us what you think! Share your feedback and let’s get more ideas cracking! It’s important for us to share how we do things!
- A question from Charlotte in Apex North Carolina. On the subject of whisks, Charlotte is also looking for other types of whisks that are easy to use and clean.My response: Charlotte, try this type of whisk: 8 inch Silicone Balloon Whisk. It is easy to use, easy to clean, and fits well in your hand. Both this whisk along with the Flat Whisk with Silicone Coils are good solid products. Of course there are other good whisks out there.
Does anyone have any other suggestions? Tell us what you think! Share your feedback and let’s get more ideas cracking! It’s important for us to share how we do things!
- A question from Anna in Salem, Oregon. Anna would like to know if there is such a thing as a hand grater.My response: Anna, of course! There are tons of hand graters on the market and they all vary in price. Your friendly neighbourhood hardware store most certainly has a large supply of hand graters for you to choose from.
Does anyone have any other suggestions? Tell us what you think! Share your feedback and let’s get more ideas cracking! It’s important for us to share how we do things!
To contact me with a question or a thought, please send an email to me at and I’ll be sure to respond in 5 business days at the most. If you wish me to respond earlier, then put the word IMPORTANT in your subject line and I’ll do my best to respond more quickly.
Until the next time! I’m Donna, wishing you a pleasant day and thanking everyone for their insightful feedback and suggestions!