What Makes a Career more Accessible?

Hello everyone:
Each month I will be responding to a question; chosen from a pool of some of the most commonly asked ones that I have been asked over the years and continue to be asked.
This month, I’d like to answer the following question:
What makes a career accessible?

Before you say no or turn thumbs down on these suggestions; consider these thoughts.
You can definitely increase your revenue and reduce both your internal and external costs and here’s how.

Take it from me! I have been an accessibility awareness consultant and advisor since 1998 and I continue to help companies to increase their revenues, reduce their costs, and reach hidden consumer markets!

With the trend to more online learning, interacting, and communicating, it is important that when choosing a career that one ensures that it is as accessible as possible in order to give you the chance to reap the maximum benefits. Saying this however, we need to consider what makes a career accessible.
Here are some pointers.

  • An accessible career is one where you are able to learn, interact, and communicate as independently as possible. No having to depend on others to render too much assistance.
  • An accessible career is one where you are able to do as much as possible for yourself. This means that access to online information and access to the physical workplace is equal, navigable, and usable.
  • An accessible career is one where you can obtain personal satisfaction in a way that enables you to be as productive as possible being able to easily use software and hardware tools and to have ready access to resources in the same way that everyone else can.
  • It may be a good idea for career development professionals to use these suggestions to plan and build careers that would be beneficial to job seekers with disabilities.
  • This is a rapidly growing market and a person with a disability is one who can be someone with any type of disability; blind/vision impaired, deaf/blind, mentally challenged, with a cognitive or learning disability, or any combination of the above.

This should be a good start.

Now as a sight loss coach I am helping consumers with sight loss to become more aware of their environment and their requirements and this is helping companies to have a better understanding of how they need to plan and execute their initiatives.

To contact me please send an email to info@sterlingcreations.ca
I’m Donna J. Jodhan (sight loss coach and accessibility advisor)

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