A review of the Sage = store
By Donna J. = Jodhan
This = store has done a more than decent job at adhering to the Covid = restrictions and I do commend them for this.
So how would = I rate their services? With 1 being the lowest and 5 being the = highest, here are my ratings.
Service = desk assistance – 4
Assistance for = shoppers with special needs – 4
Assistance in the store – 4
Remarks = :
Navigating the interior of the = store was comfortable and pleasant.
About = staff:
Extremely friendly and = welcoming.
Very knowledgable about = their products.
Willing to go beyond = the call of duty to provide assistance.
Any = suggestions?
Keep up your wonderful = work!
Contact info:
Located at the Fairview Mall in North York = Toronto
To learn more about me as a sight loss coach visit www.donnajodhan.com