Ask The Coach – Donna Jodhan Tells You How To Get Rid Of Invisible Stains

Ask the Coach!

December 05 2022

My name is Donna Jodhan and I am using my extensive experience as a sight loss coach as well as my lived experience to share and respond to questions that are submitted to me and I also invite you to share your thoughts on questions asked.


For this week:  a question from Lucy in Washington DC.

Lucy would like to know how to deal with invisible stains.


My response:

Lucy, this is probably one of the most difficult things to do as if there is no way to tell that there is a stain, then we as blind/vision impaired persons definitely need sighted help to identify them.


Invisible stains are often challenges for us all but for us who are blind/vision impaired, it is even more difficult.  If the stain is raised, wet, or even dry then we can identify it but if it is an invisible spot or stain then we are in trouble.


Does anyone have any other suggestions?

Tell us what you think!  Share your feedback and let’s get more ideas cracking!

It’s important for us to share how we do things!


To contact me with a question or a thought; please send an email to me at and I’ll be sure to respond in 5 business days at the most.

If you wish me to respond earlier then put the word important in your subject line and I’ll do my best to respond more quickly.

Until the next time then!

I’m Donna wishing you a pleasant day and thanking everyone for their insightful feedback and suggestions!






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