Ask Sight Loss Coach Donna J. Jodhan – a Gadget That Can Peel and Core Apples and Pears All at Once, Any Other Gadgets to Work with Apples, Is There Any Such Thing as a 3-in-1 Egg Slicer

The words 'Ask the Coach' with seven branches coming off it, each represented by a relevant symbol: 'Expert', 'Consulting', 'Knowledge', 'Team', 'Advice', 'Trust', and 'Research'.

Ask the Coach!

January 2025

My name is Donna Jodhan and I am using my extensive experience as a sight loss coach as well as my lived experience to share and respond to questions that are submitted to me and I also invite you to share your thoughts on questions asked.


For this month:  a question from Kiera in Kork Ireland.

Kiera is looking for a gadget that can peel and core apples and pears all at once.


My response:

Kiera, and this is what I found for you.

No, I do not have one but a friend of mine does.

The Apple Machine- Peeler, Corer.

My friend tells me that it is easy to use and is available at most kitchen supply stores.

She also tells me that it is very versatile.

This gadget can also slice.

Additionally, try visiting a hardware store and it is very easy to use for a blind/vision impaired person.

Does anyone have any other suggestions?

Tell us what you think!  Share your feedback and let’s get more ideas cracking!

It’s important for us to share how we do things!


A question from Gillian in London England.

Gillian is also searching for some sort of gadget to help her work with apples; a bit of a fancy gadget.


My response:

Gillian, try this one and give it a go.

Wedge and Pop Apple Slicer.

Again, I do not own one but when I went searching on the Internet for you this is what I found.

It appears to be available at most kitchen supply stores.

It can be used to cut apple wedges and more.


Does anyone have any other suggestions?

Tell us what you think!  Share your feedback and let’s get more ideas cracking!

It’s important for us to share how we do things!


A question from Shena in Boston Massachusetts.

Shena wants to know if there is any such thing as a 3-in-1 Egg Slicer


My response:

Shena, certainly!

They sure exist and there are several variations of them on the market today.

Available at most kitchen supply stores.

They are versatile, flexible, and come in different sizes and price ranges.


Does anyone have any other suggestions?

Tell us what you think!  Share your feedback and let’s get more ideas cracking!

It’s important for us to share how we do things!


To contact me with a question or a thought; please send an email to me at and I’ll be sure to respond in 5 business days at the most.

If you wish me to respond earlier then put the word important in your subject line and I’ll do my best to respond more quickly.

Until the next time then!

I’m Donna wishing you a pleasant day and thanking everyone for their insightful feedback and suggestions!


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