From the Sterling creations team – Helpful tips for December 2023

Hello there and welcome to our monthly feature of all kinds of tips.
We at the business desk are pleased to bring you our monthly feature of a plethora of tips that cover a wide range of topics.
All of our tips are designed to help you save time, cut down on your research, and help you get ahead.
So go ahead and read on.
This week we bring you our monthly tips.
It’s what we do for a living! We help you to help yourself!
From the business desk team at
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Helpful tips for December 2023

In this issue:

* General tips
*Articles of the day
101 Essential Oil Uses & Benefits
* From the pages of Donna’s travel diary
Analizing the ocean

Important notice from Donna J. Jodhan
If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to share news and or info about yourself or about others, then please read on!
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General tips
Courtesy of the research team at

Scams of the month:
Before giving you our scam tips of the month, here are some very valueable tips.
You need to remember that scams come in the following formats:
As emails, as phone calls both recorded and via a live caller, and o yes! It can even show up at your door and in your mailbox.
And now they are targeting us through texts being sent to our cell phones.

Before giving you the latest scams making the rounds; we have some do nots to share with you.
Do not respond to emails that look strange to you.
Do not download attachments from unknown senders.
Do not share your username and password to your online banking and any other online payments facilities with anyone.
Do not give out any banking or personal details on the phone to unknown callers.
Do not pay any attention to threats from automated phone recordings or from live persons with regard to your credit card or that you owe money to any revenue agency.
Do not entertain any offers either via email or by phone from senders and callers offering incredible service packages as they may pertain to cable and tv services, prizes that you have won, or any sort of any type of service package.
Do not answer the door to unknown callers.
Take extra caution to make sure that the details of your credit cards and debit cards are fully protected when you make payments at restaurants or at stores, pharmacies, and elsewhere.
Do not enter your password for Facebook or Twitter in response to a text request on your cell phone.
The same if you are asked for your Apple ID.
Do not fall prey to a text message telling you that your banking details have been compromised online.


With huge thanks from Melanie Mama peach

11) Best Of Helpful Hints: The Best Of Hints For The Laundry
Longer Wearing Panty Hose:
* Starch them very, very lightly. This does help resist runs and they will also go on much more smoothly.

12) Best Of Helpful Hints: The Best Of Hints For The Laundry
Renovating Stiffened Chamois
* Soak in warm water to which a spoonful of so of olive oil has been added.

13) Best Of Helpful Hints: The Best Of Hints For The Laundry Cleanest Work Clothes Ever
* Add 1/2 cup of household amonia to the wash water.

14) Best Of Helpful Hints: The Best Of Hints For The Laundry
Too Much Bluing
* Rinse the clothes in clear water to which you have added a little vinegar.

15) Best Of Helpful Hints: The Best Of Hints For The Laundry
Removing Grease Stains From Suede
* Sponge with a cloth dipped in vinegar. Dry. Restore nap of suede by brushing with a suede brush.

16) Best Of Helpful Hints: The Best Of Hints For The Laundry Discolored Handkerchiefs
* Restore whiteness by immersing in cold water in which you’ve dissolved a pinch of cream of tartar.

17) Best Of Helpful Hints: The Best Of Hints For The Laundry
Makeup Smudges
* A slice of bread often with remove makeup smudges from dark clothes.

18) Best Of Helpful Hints: The Best Of Hints For The Laundry Removing Rain Spots From Suede
* Rub lightly with an emery board.

19) Best Of Helpful Hints: The Best Of Hints For The Laundry
Renovating Feather Pillows
* Tumble in dryer. However, make sure there are no holes in the pillows or the feathers will work through. Finish by giving them a good airing and you will be pleased with the new life they have.

20) Best Of Helpful Hints: The Best Of Hints For The Laundry
Scorched Woolens
* Wet scorch spots. Rub cornstarch over them. Brush when dry.


26th batch –

21) Best Of Helpful Hints: The Best Of Hints For The Laundry
Removing Hem Creases
* A white vinegar solution will help remove a permanent crease. Sponge the material liberally with the vinegar and press flat with a warm iron.

22) Best Of Helpful Hints: The Best Of Hints For The Laundry
Cleaning White Kid Gloves
* Rub plain white flour into the leather and brush the dirt away.

23) Best Of Helpful Hints: The Best Of Hints For The Laundry
Removing Fruit Stains
* Pour boiling water from a height of several feet through the stain.

24) Best Of Helpful Hints: The Best Of Hints For The Laundry
Removing Rust Stains
* They can be easily removed from white washables if you first cover the stains with cream of tartar, then gather up the ends of the article so that the powder stays in the spot. Dip the whole thing into hot water for about 5 minutes. Ordinary laundering will complete the job.

25) Best Of Helpful Hints: The Best Of Hints For The Laundry
Scorched Whites
* Sponge with a piece of cotton which has been soaked in peroxide.
* Deeper scorches may be bleached by dampening fabric with water and laying in the sun to dry.
* Light scorched stains on linens can sometimes be removed by rubbing a cut onion over the stain. Follow by soaking in cold water.

26) Best Of Helpful Hints: The Best Of Hints For The Laundry
Musty Towels
* Add 3 tablespoons of baking soda per quart of boiling water. Boil towel for 5 minutes. Then launder using bleach, if necessary.

27) Best Of Household Tips: The Best Of Hints For The Laundry

Brightening Soiled Curtains
* Add 1/2 cup of salt to soaking water. Soak for awhile and then launder as usual.

28) Best Of Helpful Hints: The Best Of Hints For The Laundry

Removing Red Wine Stains
* Sprinkle the spill immediately with lots of salt. Dunk into cold water and rub the stain out before washing.

29)Best Of Helpful Hints: The Best Of Hints For The Laundry
Ring Around The Collar
* Mark heavily with chalk. The chalk will absorb the oils and once the oil is removed, the dirt will come off easily. This method may require a few applications if the yellow line has been there for some time. If the shirt is new, one application should do it.

30) Best Of Helpful Hints: The Best Of Hints For The Laundry
Washing Sweaters

* For the best results when hand washing sweaters, put a capful of cream hair rinse in the final rinse water.


Articles of the day
Chosen by the Business Desk team

101 Essential Oil Uses & Benefits
Essential oils have been used for thousands of years in various cultures for medicinal and health purposes. Essential oil uses range from aromatherapy, household cleaning products, personal beauty care and natural medicine treatments.
The particles in essential oils come from distilling or extracting the different parts of plants, including the flowers, leaves, bark, roots, resin and peels. In ancient times, Jews and Egyptians made essential oils by soaking the plants in oil and then filtering the oil through a linen bag.
Essential oil benefits come from their antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. These healing oils are rapidly growing in popularity because they act as natural medicine without any side effects. Ready to harness the power of the world’s most proven therapeutic compounds? Then let’s talk about 101 ways to use these amazing essential oils.
Essential Oil Uses for Cleaning and Home
1. All-purpose cleaner: Add three drops each of lemon oil and tea tree oil to a few ounces of warm water, then spray countertops to naturally disinfect.
2. Natural mosquito repellent: Combine one drop each of lemongrass oil, citronella oil and eucalyptus oil with one teaspoon of coconut oil to make natural bug spray and rub on exposed skin. Reapply as needed.
3. Sports gear: If your kids play sports, add two drops each of tea tree oil and lemon essential oil to one quart of warm water; next add four tablespoons of baking soda and mix. Use to clean ripe (!) jerseys, cleats and sports gear.
4. Clean air: Diffuse cinnamon essential oil in the air and enjoy its anti-microbial properties.
5. Homemade peppermint patties: Use peppermint oil, coconut oil, dark chocolate and raw honey to make real peppermint treats.
6. Washing machine: Add 10-20 drops of your favorite scent per load.
7. Vacuum cleaner: Add 5-10 drops of your favorite oil in your vacuum bag or dust container.
8. Homemade sunscreen: Mix coconut oil, zinc oxide, shea butter, helichrysum oil and lavender essential oil, then store in a squeeze bottle to make homemade toxic-free sunscreen.
9. Eliminate shower curtain scum: Using a 16-ounce spray bottle, use four drops of eucalyptus essential oil and four drops of tea tree oil (melaleuca) with warm water; spray onto your shower for natural mold killing action.
10. Clean burnt pans: Use a few drops of lemon oil and some boiling water to help remove burnt food from pots and pans.
11. Wonderful smelling home: Diffuse clove, rosemary and orange essential oils when guests come over, and they will talk about how amazing your house smells.
12. Carpet cleaner: Mix 20 drops of tea tree oil with Borax for homemade carpet powder.
13. Kill pests: Spray orange essential oil and clove oil to kill pests on contact.
14. Lavender cake: Mix coconut flour, raw honey, organic eggs and lavender essential oil and bake at 350 degrees.
15. Eliminate mold: Add tea tree oil to your diffuser to kill mold and other pathogens in the air.
16. Christmas scent: Add a drop of pine, sandalwood or cedarwood oil on a fire log about 30 minutes before burning.
17. Reduce anxiety: Diffuse lavender essential oil around your home to reduce feelings of stress and tension.
18. Spiritual enlightenment: Diffuse frankincense essential oil while praying, meditating or reading to increase spiritual awareness.
19. Bathtub scrub: Mix one-half cup of baking soda, one-half cup of vinegar and five drops of bergamot or lime oil; use as a scrub for a sink or bathtub.
20. Freshen trash can: Put a cotton ball with two drops each of lemon oil and tea tree oil at the bottom of the trashcan to help decrease the odor and detoxify.
21. Wash produce: To clean fruit and vegetables, add two drops of lemon oil to a large bowl of water then wash.
22. Clean kitchen smell: Add a few drops of clove, cinnamon or citrus essential oil to a simmering pan of water to get rid of cooking odors.
23. Bathroom freshener: Put a cotton ball soaked in lime or lemon oil behind the toilet for a bathroom refresher.
24. Purify fridge: To freshen up the fridge or freezer when cleaning, add a few drops of lime, grapefruit or bergamot oil to the rinsing water.
25. Mint tea: Use 1-2 drops of peppermint essential oil in your favorite tea for a hint of mint.
26. Eliminate smoke: To remove cigarette smoke, put four drops of rosemary, tea tree and eucalyptus oil in a spray bottle and spray around the house.
27. Detoxify the air: Add peppermint and eucalyptus oil to a gallon of paint to dispel fumes.
28. Get rid of shoe smell: To remove the smell from shoes, add a few drops of tea tree oil and lemon oil to freshen them up.
29. Bridal shower gift: For a cute bridal shower gift, create a “love potion” with essential oils. Use 20 drops of sandalwood, and four drops of cocoa, vanilla and rose oil to unscented lotion.
30. Baby shower gift: Give a wall diffuser with a lavender scent to calm the mom and baby.
31. Flavored lemon water: Use 2-3 drops of lemon oil in water for a delicious citrus flavor.
32. Cleaner dishes: Add a few drops of lemon oil to the dishwasher before washing for a spot-free rinse.
33. Physician kit: Makeover your medicine cabinet and create a family physician kit with essential oils of lavender, lemon, peppermint, tea tree, oregano and frankincense.
Essential Oil Uses For Spa and Relaxation
34. Improve sleep: Lavender oil can alleviate insomnia. Sprinkle a few drops on your pillow to help you fall asleep.
35. Body butter lotion: Mix coconut oil, shea butter, magnesium oil and essential oils for moisturizing body lotion.
36. Homemade lip balm: Combine coconut oil, beeswax and lavender oil for an amazing healing balm for chapped lips.
37. Relieve tension: Help to relieve anxiety by using a single drop of lavender oil on your hands, rub together, and cup your hands to your nose and let the smell flood your senses.
38. Massage therapy: Use a few drops of cedarwood or lavender oil, mixed with an unscented lotion during a relaxation massage.
39. Immediate relaxation: Apply 2-4 drops of chamomile, lavender and peppermint essential oil to your temples for a cooling effect and immediate relaxation.
40. Detox bath: Mix lavender oil, epsom salts and sea salt to a warm bath to cleanse and rejuvenate the body.
41. Sauna therapy: Add two drops of your favorite essential oil into two cups of water in a sauna.
42. Calm upset child: Help sooth and calm children by adding lavender or chamomile to their stuffed animals.
43. Foot bath: Add a few drops of lemon or eucalyptus oil to a large bowl of warm water to help soothe the feet.
44. Improve depression: To boost mood and relieve depression, add rose oil to baths, inhalations and diffusers to improve mood.
45. Yoga and Pilates: To relax during yoga or meditation, inhale lavender or sandalwood before class. Also, mix clove and citrus essential oil to clean yoga mats.
46. Mint chocolate cocoa: Add 2-3 drops of peppermint oil to hot cocoa for instant minty chocolate!
Essential Oil Uses for Skin and Beauty
47. Reduce cellulite: Mix five drops of grapefruit essential oil with two teaspoons of coconut oil and massage into dimpled areas.
48. Natural perfume: Use 1-2 drops of jasmine essential oil on your wrist as a fresh natural fragrance. Lavender and vanilla also agree with most women, while cypress and clove work well for men’s cologne.
49. Acne face wash: To get rid of acne, make a homemade face wash by mixing tea tree oil (melaleuca) with raw honey and rub on your face. Then rinse off with water.
50. Freshen breath: Use a drop of peppermint essential oil for a natural way to freshen breath.
51. Homemade shampoo: To make homemade shampoo, mix lavender oil, rosemary oil, aloe vera gel and coconut milk. Use as you would regular shampoo. It lasts 2-4 weeks.
52. Homemade deodorant: Combine coconut oil, beeswax and your favorite essential oils like cedarwood and clove oil for men and lavender and tea tree oil for women.
53. Sugar scrub: Mix a few drops of an essential oil with almond oil and rock salt or sugar to make your own salt or sugar scrub.
54. Homemade toothpaste: Combine sea salt, baking soda, coconut oil and xylitol with peppermint essential oil to make homemade remineralizing toothpaste. Then brush.
55. Body spray: Add 5-10 drops to four ounces of water and use as a fragrant body spray.
56. Itchy scalp: Add lavender, cedarwood or basil essential oil to shampoo to reduce itching.
57. Thicken hair: Add rosemary to shampoo to naturally thicken hair and increase volume.
58. Strengthen nails: Mix 10 drops of frankincense, myrrh and lemon essential oils into two tablespoons of vitamin E oil, then rub on cuticles.
59. Reduce wrinkles: Mix 3-5 drops of sandalwood, geranium, lavender and frankincense essential oils with an unscented lotion and apply to face. Avoid applying to eyes.
60. Teeth whitener: Combine lemon essential oil, coconut oil and fresh strawberries, then rub on your teeth. Rinse after two minutes.
61. Cure dandruff: Mix five drops of rosemary and lavender essential oils with three tablespoons of unscented oil. Massage into your scalp and leave on for 10 minutes. Shampoo mixture out.
62. Reduce stretch marks: Mix five drops of frankincense, myrrh and grapefruit essential oils with coconut oil and apply to stretch marks.
63. Facial scrub: Mix one-fourth cup yogurt, one-fourth cup cornmeal, and five drops of patchouli, grapefruit and lavender oil. Apply to face and wash off.
64. Natural skin toner: Mix eight ounces of water with two drops of lavender, geranium and frankincense.
65. Deep hair conditioner: Mix 15 drops of rosewood with five drops of sandalwood and lavender into unscented oil. Place mixture in a small plastic bag and dunk into warm water to heat up. Apply to hair and wrap for 20 minutes. Shampoo as usual.
66. Reduce age spots: Put on frankincense essential oil three times daily directly on skin to improve sun spots and age spots.
67. For oily hair: Mix 10 drops of ylang ylang, lime and rosemary oil with two ounces of unscented oil. Massage it scalp 2-3 times per week. Wash out as usual.
68. Heal dry cracked feet: Add three drops of lavender oil to two tablespoons of coconut oil. Apply to the feet at night and put on some socks.
69. Relieve nausea: Breathe in peppermint oil through your nose to alleviate nausea, and also apply to your neck and upper chest. Ginger and lavender may also help.
Essential Oil Remedies and Natural Medicine
70. Migraine headache relief: Try combining a few drops of lavender oil and peppermint oil and apply to temples to help with headaches and migraines.
71. Reduce cough or sinusitis: Eucalyptus oil is known for its powerful ability to fight coughs and open airways. Add a few drops into steaming hot water or diffuser. Inhale to help clear nasal passage.
72. Repair broken bones: To support healing of broken bones, apply helichrysum, fir and cypress essential oils.
73. Heal burns: Mix lavender oil with aloe vera to treat burns.
74. Soothe bug bites: Use lavender oil for bug bites and stings.
75. Improve digestion; Take ginger oil, peppermint oil and fennel essential oil to support digestion and healing leaky gut.
76. Bronchitis and asthma remedy: Make a homemade vapor rub by combining eucalyptus, peppermint and coconut oil. Rub on your chest and neck.
77. Treat bruises; Use essential oils as a hot compress to treat bruises or other wounds. Add five drops of lavender and five drops of frankincense to four ounces of hot water and soak. Apply to affected area.
78. Improve concentration: Inhale bergamot, grapefruit or peppermint oil to increase concentration during the day.
79. Sore feet soak: Add 10 drops of peppermint oil with a tablespoon of Epson salt and add to a warm-water foot bath.
80. Reduce teeth grinding: Massage 1-3 drops of lavender on the bottom of the feet and behind ears before bed.
81. Relieve PMS: Mix two drops of sage, basil and rosemary, then apply to a warm, moist hand towel and apply to abdomen.
82. Eczema and psoriasis cream: To treat eczema, psoriasis or red dry skin, apply a mixture of lavender essential oil with shea butter.
83. Improve circulation: Add 8-10 drops of grapefruit essential oil to warm bath water.
84. Relieve hangover symptoms: Add six drops each of juniper berry, cedarwood, grapefruit, lavender, rosemary and lemon oil into a warm bath.
85. Curb food cravings: Inhale peppermint and cinnamon oil to reduce your appetite and balance blood sugar.
86. Energize your workout: Inhale peppermint oil before a workout to reduce fatigue.
87. Reduce fever: Add 1-3 drops of eucalyptus, peppermint and lavender to a cool cloth and sponge the body.
88. Relieve motion sickness: Use peppermint, lavender and ginger oil to reduce motion sickness.
89. Arthritis relief: Mix two drops of wintergreen, cypress and lemongrass into an unscented lotion. Massage into affected areas.
90. Treat ringworm: Combine three drops of tea tree oil with coconut oil and massage over the affected area twice a day.
91. Head lice cure: Mix three drops of thyme, lavender and eucalyptus oil with unscented oil and apply to scalp. Cover head with a shower cap and leave on for 30 minutes. Shampoo out.
92. Heal blistered skin: Mix two drops of tea tree oil with two drops of unscented oil and apply to the blistered area up to five times per day.
93. Soothe a sunburn: Combine lavender or chamomile oil with one tablespoon of coconut oil and apply to the skin with a cotton ball to reduce swelling and pain.
94. Treat poison oak or poison ivy: Mix three drops of peppermint oil with unscented oil and apply to affected area.
95. Lose weight: Combine grapefruit, ginger and cinnamon oil and take as a supplement three times daily to support metabolism.
96. Boost immune system: Mix one drop of oregano oil with four drops of carrier oil and rub on the bottom of your feet before flying on a plane.
97. Achy muscle rub: Mix eucalyptus, wintergreen and cypress with an unscented lotion or coconut oil and apply to muscles.
98. Reduce morning sickness caused by pregnancy: Add a few drops of wild orange, lemon or ginger oil to a handkerchief and inhale.
99. Improve allergies: Rub frankincense and lavender on your palms and inhale deeply to relieve itchy eyes and throat.
100. Kick a cold fast: Take three drops of oil of oregano and frankincense three times daily for one week.
101. Reduce back and neck pain: Combine peppermint, cypress and ginger oils with cayenne pepper and coconut oil for a homemade pain relieving muscle rub.
Essential Oil Quality
This is one of the most vital things you must know about essential oils: Not all essential oils are created equal. In fact, most of them are worthless to your health and often synthetic. Therefore, when buying essential oils, make sure they are certified pure therapeutic grade.


From the pages of Donna’s diary
Analizing the ocean

No, this is no joke. If you take the time to analize the behaviour of the sea or ocean, it can definitely help you to determine when to take a vacation. If you understand this then it will help you to make better decisions re your holiday time.

Here are some tips.
* Best time to vacation near the ocean is July and August.
*Best time to take a river boat cruise to Europe is July, August, and September.
* Worst time to take a cruise to the Caribbean is December, and January.
* Best time to vacation in the Caribbean is July and August.
Just take note that hurricane season usually stretches from June to November.

I’m Donna J. Jodhan enjoying my travels.

To learn more about me as a sight loss coach and author visit

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