Nine Shortcuts to Speed up Internet Browsing that You May Not Know

. 8. Override cache and reload fresh page If you view pages that change frequently, your browser may be loading a stale version because it is using the local cache. To skip the cached files and go right to the page’s server, try holding down the Shift key and click the Refresh button. You can also use the keyboard combination Ctrl+F5. Another combination is Ctrl+Shift+R. These tricks work in Firefox but Chrome is sometimes recalcitrant and may require several repetitions. 9. View the browser cache If you want a quick way to see what files Chrome or Firefox is storing in its cache, just enter about:cache (no spaces) in the address bar. Chrome shows the contents of the cache directly. In Firefox, there is one more step. Click “List Cache Entries”. And there you have it – nine ways to speed up your Internet browsing. Author: Vic laurie ng-you-may-not-know.htm Other useful sites to check out which are managed by Vic laurie Include: *learning about Windows and the Internet *Windows for Beginners * Windows 7 tips and how-tos *The Power of the Right-click * How Do I Create A Boot Disk /products/package/full.html &campaignid=75814482&adgroupid=3033843882&target=&loc_physical_ms=9022603&ne twork=d&device=c& BaQody5sMBQ * Smartphone tips This site is designed specifically for viewing on smartphones. Don’t let your phone be smarter than you are. Use these tips and tricks to be the smart one. Learn how to do things quicker. Uncover new uses you didn’t know about.]]>

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