Helpful tips for April 2012

Hello there and welcome to our weekly = feature of=20 all kinds of tips.
We at the business desk are pleased to bring you = our=20 weekly feature of a
plethora of tips that cover a wide range of=20 topics.
All of our tips are designed to help you save time, cut down = on your=20
research, and help you get ahead.
So go ahead and read = on.
This week=20 we bring you our monthly tips.
It’s what we do for a living!  We = help=20 you to help yourself!
From the business desk team at = +++++++++++++++
Helpful tips for April = 2012 In this=20 issue: General tips
Tech tips
Quotes for the=20 day
_________________________ General tips
Courtesy of the = research=20 team at Ask yourself this question:  Which method do people most = use to pay=20 for
groceries and small items?
Answer:  Cash but cash is = slowly=20 being replaced by the good old credit card. What signal does one = give=20 when they fold their arms across their chest when
talking to someone = else?
Well, that they are closed to any opinions. What’s this = about=20 nuts?
They are good for your heart and arteries.
Eat lots of = almonds and=20 wallnuts. Looking to prevent sweaty feet?
Before slipping your = feet=20 into your shoes, sprinkle some baby powder in your =
shoes. Looking to=20 get rid of static to your dress?
Lightly sprinkle some hair spray = over=20 it. What’s this about the good old lemon?
You get more flavor = from the=20 skin as opposed to the juice itself! A tip for you when = exercising?
If=20 you do it with more intensity, it sure does work! What’s this = about your=20 precious big toe?
Believe it or not, your big toe sustains a great = chunk of=20 your body’s weight
when you are upright.
About 40% to be=20 exact. The difference between butter and margarin?
Butter is = natural=20 and margarin is synthetic or man made. What is the difference = between an=20 ointment and a cream?
An ointment is very=20 sticky. _________________________ Tech tips
Taken from = Melanie=20 Mama’s corner
Special thanks to Dan Thompson at Deleting=20 Multiple Photos On The IPhone
Article source: <
Submitted=20 by chris hallsworth
Deleting multiple photos
Date: Tuesday, = January 10,=20 2012 5:56 AM
Here is how you delete multiple photos on the = iPhone.
1. Open=20 the photos app.
2. Double tap the camera role button.
3. Double = tap the=20 actions button.
4. Select one or more photos by double tapping on = them.
5.=20 Double tap delete.
6. Double tap delete=20 photo. _________________________ Windows Keyboard Shortcut = Keys
Found at the link below with lots more cool = information:
Press windows = key to open=20 the start menu
Press Win R to open the Run dialog box
Press Win M = to=20 minimize all opened windows
Press Win Shift M to maximize all opened=20 windows
Press Win L to lock the keyboard in windows XP
Press Win E = to open=20 My Computer in treeview state
Press Win F to open the search = options
Press=20 Win U to open the Utility Manager
Press Wi
n D to view the=20 desktop/minimize all windows
Press Win F1 to view the detail windows = help=20 page
Press Win Pause to view the System Properties dialog = box
Press Win=20 Tab to land on the taskbar and then left/right arrows to move =
through the=20 taskbar programs
Press Win F Ctrl to open search for computers
II. = Alt=20 and/or ctrl Key Combinations
Press Alt Tab to Move through the opened = windows=20 programs
Press Alt F4 to close active windows program
Press Alt = Enter to=20 open the properties of a selected item
Press Alt Spacebar to open the = system=20 menu of an active window
Press Alt Spacebar M to minimize the active=20 program
Press Alt Spacebar R to restore the active program
Press = Alt=20 Spacebar C to close the active program
Press Alt Spacebar X to = maximize the=20 active program
Press Alt Spacebar M to move the active = program
Press Ctrl=20 Alt Delete to open the windows task manager
Press Ctrl Shift Esc to = open the=20 windows task manager
Press Ctrl Esc to open the start menu
Press = Shift To=20 prevent a CD from automatically playing
Press Shift Delete to delete = items=20 permanently _________________________ Sites Of The = Week
1.=20 IPhone Conference Invitation:
Mrs. Beverly reese host an IPhone = conference=20 every Wednesday at 7:00 PM
Eastern and Saturday at 6:00 PM. = Eastern.
The=20 number to call is:
231-224-7222 followed by the pound. then you will = hear=20 “press 1 for live
rooms”, which you do, and the room number is = 2428.
2.=20 Blind Geek Zone
Check out this website if you have not heard about it already. = It is full=20 of
technology information, training, software updates and podcasts = to listen=20
Set up by a blind man with computer experience for those of = us who=20 want to
use the technology to its fullest.
3. Two free computer = games for=20 Windows are available from Rich De Steno.
Atlantic City Blackjack is = a=20 realistic blackjack game and Destination Mars
is a challenging space = travel=20 game. Send your request for either or both
games by email = to:
4. This=20 tutorial regarding shortcut keys could be of interest if you’re =
looking to=20 move from Office 2003 to 2007.
5.=20 From YouTube help site, we can read how to work with YouTube with a =
screen=20 reader.
6. From the=20 weekly Flying Blind Newsletter we learn of Among the podcasts
hosted = on=20 Applevis recently are:
A Walk-through of NewsFolio, an Accessible RSS = Reader=20 with Google Reader
A=20 Walk-through and Review of Vokul, a Powerful New Voice Control App and =
Siri=20 Alternative
A Walk-through of Ski & Snow Report, a Must = Have app for=20 all Skiers
A Walk-thru of NextBuses: Departure Information = for 370,000=20 Bus Stops Across
England, Wales and Scotland
7. one hundred Excellent Hints and Tips for every Computer = User puter-user.html
8. The Complete Guide to iTunes Books, Podcasts + = iTunes U |=20 iLounge
Article guide-to-itunes-audiobooks-podcasts-itunes-u/?utm_source=3Dtwitterfeed&am= p;utm_medium=3Dtwitter _________________________ Speed Up Your PC: = Automate=20 Your Computer Maintenance Schedule, Part One
Part One:
Article=20 Source:
Most people do one of the following when their = computer begins=20 to slow down
(besides get angry):
1. Speed up their computer by = buying=20 more memory.
2. Try to tweak their computer’s settings.
3. Give = up. They=20 figure that their computer is old, there’s nothing else
they can do, = and=20 it’s probably time to buy a new computer.
All these solutions can = help=20 increase PC speed. However, what’s to keep your
newly blazing PC = from=20 slowing down again after a couple months or years? A
badly = fragmented hard=20 drive will bring even a top-of-the-line new computer
to a grinding=20 halt.
One option is to create a preventive PC maintenance plan-a = computer=20
maintenance schedule that’s easy to set up and put in motion so you = never=20
have to think about it again. The plan outlined below uses tools = that are=20
built in to your Windows operating system, including Disk = Defragmenter, so=20
they can be run free of charge as often as you like.
The = following=20 sections provide information on how to automate a maintenance =
schedule to=20 help keep your PC running smoothly. These procedures differ from =
version to=20 version, but overall you’ll find these tasks work for Windows 7, =
Windows=20 Vista, and Windows XP.
I. Introduction:
Create a preventive = maintenance=20 plan for your computer
When people notice their computer’s = performance=20 slowing, the most common
reason is the hard disk. Your computer’s = hard disk=20 is a non-removable area
that holds all the information available = from your=20 computer. Over time, hard
disks begin to lose their ability to store = data=20 efficiently.
The Windows operating system provides three great tools = to help=20 keep your
hard drive humming smoothly. These tools are Disk Cleanup, = Disk=20
Defragmenter, and Check Disk.
Your Computer
Ideally you should = clean=20 the hard disk of temporary files, optimize
(defragment) the hard = disk, and=20 check the hard disk for errors on a weekly
Who has the = time (or=20 the desire) to keep up with this schedule? The best
solution is to = let=20 Windows do all of the work.
Windows allows you to set up and automate = these=20 tasks. Please note that the
tools may require user input or = administrator=20 privileges to run correctly.
See specific sections for additional = details,=20 and make sure you know your
administrator password.
Tip: In = Windows 7 and=20 Windows Vista, you can go directly to any of the tools
mentioned in = this=20 article. Just click the Start button, or press the start
button if = using a=20 screenreader, and, in the Search box, type the name of the
tool. = When you=20 see the name of the tool populate in the Search list, just
click it. = If=20 using a screenreader, arrow down after typing in the tool’s
name and = press=20 enter on the tool’s name that appeared in the populated list
now = available.=20 This works for the Task Scheduler tool referenced on some of
the = pages=20 linked to in this article, as well.
Clean up your hard disk
Your = computer=20 amasses temporary files over time. These files can come from
any = number of=20 sources, with the web being one of the largest offenders.
After a = while,=20 these temporary files will slow down your computer.
About once every = week,=20 you should run the Windows Disk Cleanup utility to
clear your PC of = these=20 temporary files. The Windows Disk Cleanup tool
requires user input = to=20 complete its designated task. For this reason, it is
recommended = that, when=20 setting up the utility to run automatically (as
described in the = next=20 paragraph), you choose a time when you are typically
on the computer = so you=20 can provide this input. When using the Create Basic
Task Wizard, = select the=20 Open the Properties dialog for this task when I
click Finish check = box. This=20 allows you to access additional properties
related to the task. On = the=20 Settings tab, select the Run task as soon as
possible after a = scheduled=20 start is missed check box to ensure that the task
starts the next = time you=20 are logged on to your computer.
II. Schedule Disk Cleanup to run=20 automatically:
Windows Seven:
1. Open Task Scheduler: Click the = Start=20 button, click Control Panel, click
Administrative Tools, and then=20 double-click Task Scheduler. If you’re
prompted for an administrator = password or confirmation, type the password or
provide = confirmation.
2.=20 Click the Action menu, and then click Create Basic Task. This opens the=20
Create Basic Task Wizard.
3. Type a name for the task and an = optional=20 description, and then click
4. To select a schedule based = on the=20 calendar, click Daily, Weekly, Monthly,
or One time, and then click=20 Next.
5. Specify the schedule you want to use, and then click = Next.
6.=20 Click Start a program, and then click Next.
7. Click Browse, and, in = the File=20 name box, type cleanmgr.exe, click Open,
and then click Next.
8. = Click=20 Finish.
Windows Vista
1. Open Task Scheduler: Click the Start = button,=20 click Administrative Tools,
and then click Task Scheduler. If you = are=20 prompted for an administrator
password or confirmation, type the = password or=20 provide confirmation.
2. Click the Action menu, and then click Create = Basic=20 Task.
3. Type a name for the task and an optional description, and = then click=20
4. To select a schedule based on the calendar, click Daily, = Weekly,=20 Monthly,
or One time, and then click Next.
5. Specify the = schedule you=20 want to use, and then click Next.
6. Click Start a program, and then = click=20 Next.
7. Click Browse, and, in the File name box, type cleanmgr.exe, = click=20 Open,
and then click Next.
8. Click Finish.
Windows XP:
1. = Click=20 Start, and then click Control Panel.
2. Click Performance and=20 Maintenance.
3. Under or pick a Control Panel icon, click Scheduled=20 Tasks.
4. In the Scheduled Tasks window, double-click Add Scheduled=20 Task.
5. In the Scheduled Task Wizard, click Next.
6. Scroll down = to Disk=20 Cleanup in the list of Applications, click it (to
highlight it), and = then=20 click Next.
7. Under Perform this task, click Weekly, and then click=20 Next.
8. Set the time and day of the week you would like to run Disk = Cleanup.=20 For
best results, choose a time when you’re typically at your = computer so=20 you
can provide any required input. Click Next.
9. Type your = password in=20 both the Enter the password and Confirm password
boxes, and then = click=20 Next.
10. Click Finish. _________________________ Speed = Up Your=20 PC: Automate Your Computer Maintenance Schedule, Part Two:
Article=20 Source:
Check = your hard=20 disk for errors
Whenever a program you’re using crashes, your = computer may=20 create errors on
your hard disk. These errors will eventually slow = your=20 computer to a crawl.
The good news is that Windows includes a Check = Disk=20 program. Check Disk
corrects these types of errors on your hard = disk,=20 resulting in better PC
About once every week, you = should run=20 the Check Disk utility. While Check
Disk runs, a black window will = open. If=20 you happen to be working at your
computer when the window opens, you = can=20 ignore it. The window will
automatically disappear when Check Disk = is=20 complete.
Note: You must be logged on as an administrator to perform = these=20 steps. If
you aren’t logged on as an administrator, you can only = change=20 settings that
apply to your user account.
Set up Check Disk to = run=20 automatically:
Windows Seven:
1. Open Task Scheduler: Click the = Start=20 button, click Control Panel, click
Administrative Tools, and then=20 double-click Task Scheduler. If you’re
prompted for an administrator = password or confirmation, type the password or
provide = confirmation.
2.=20 Click the Action menu, and then click Create Basic Task.
3. Type a = name for=20 the task and an optional description, and then click
4. Do = one of=20 the following:
To select a schedule based on the calendar, click = Daily,=20 Weekly, Monthly, or
One time, click Next, specify the schedule you = want to=20 use, and then click
To select a schedule based on common = recurring=20 events, click When the
computer starts or When I log on, and then = click=20 Next.
To select a schedule based on specific events, click When a = specific=20 event
is logged, click Next, specify the event log and other = information=20 using the
drop-down lists, and then click Next.
5. To schedule a = program=20 to start automatically, click Start a program, and
then click = Next.
6.=20 Click Browse to find the program you want to start, and then click = Next.
7.=20 Click Finish.
Windows vista:
1. Open Task Scheduler: Click the = Start=20 button, click Administrative Tools,
and then click Task Scheduler. = If you=20 are prompted for an administrator
password or confirmation, type the = password or provide confirmation.
2. Click the Action menu, and then = click=20 Create Basic Task.
3. Type a name for the task and an optional = description,=20 and then click
4. Do one of the following:
To select a = schedule=20 based on the calendar, click Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or
One time, = click=20 Next, specify the schedule you want to use, and then click =
To=20 select a schedule based on common recurring events, click When the =
computer=20 starts, or When I log on, and then click Next.
To select a schedule = based on=20 specific events, click When a specific event
is logged, click Next, = specify=20 the event log and other information using the
drop-down lists, and = then=20 click Next.
5. To schedule a program to start automatically, click = Start a=20 program, and
then click Next.
6. Click Browse to find the program = you=20 want to start, and then click Next.
7. Click Finish.
Windows = XP:
1.=20 Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
2. Click Performance and=20 Maintenance.
3. Under or pick a Control Panel icon, click Scheduled=20 Tasks.
4. In the Scheduled Tasks window, double-click Add Scheduled=20 Task.
5. In the Scheduled Task Wizard, click Next.
6. Click = Browse.
7.=20 In the File name box, type %systemroot%\system32\chkdsk.exe, and then =
click=20 Open.
8. Under Perform this task, click Weekly. Then, click = Next.
9. Set=20 the time and day of the week you would like to run Check Disk. For =
best=20 results, choose a time when your computer will be on but you will be =
away=20 from it. Click Next.
10. Type your password in both the Enter the = password=20 and Confirm password
boxes, and then click Next.
11. Click=20 Finish.
Speed Up Your PC: Automate Your Computer Maintenance = Schedule, Part=20 Three
Article Source:
Task=20 Scheduler:
1.Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
2.Click=20 Performance and Maintenance.
3.Under or pick a Control Panel icon, = click=20 Scheduled Tasks.
4.In the Scheduled Tasks window, double-click Add = Scheduled=20 Task.
5.In the Scheduled Task Wizard, click Next.
6.Click = Browse.
7.In=20 the File name box, type %systemroot%\system32\chkdsk.exe, and then =
click=20 Open.
8.Under Perform this task, click Weekly. Then, click = Next.
9.Set the=20 time and day of the week you would like to run Check Disk. For
best = results,=20 choose a time when your computer will be on but you will be
away = from it.=20 Click Next.
10.Type your password in both the Enter the password and = Confirm=20 password
boxes, and then click Next.
11.Click Finish.
Follow = the=20 prompts in Task Scheduler to schedule a program to run at a set
time = (for=20 Windows 7 and Windows Vista only-the directions in Step 1 for =
Windows XP are=20 all inclusive).
Note: Check Disk isn’t available within the = scroll-down list=20 of programs
that you select from in the Task Scheduler, so you’ll = need to=20 select it
manually. To select it, click Browse. Then, navigate to=20
windows\system32\chkdsk.exe. Select chkdsk.exe, and then click = Open.
The=20 best way to schedule tasks as described in the previous sections varies=20
depending on how you use your computer. For example, if you shut = down your=20
computer every day, schedule the tasks to perform during a time when = your=20
computer is typically on. You can do this by editing the Task = properties as=20
described in the steps for each utility and operating system. On the =
Settings tab, select the Run task as soon as possible after a = scheduled=20
start is missed check box when creating the new tasks described in = this=20
article. This ensures that the task starts the next time you are = logged on=20
to your computer, should it happen to be turned off during the = scheduled=20
time. If you set your computer to Hibernate or Sleep and want to = schedule=20
the tasks to run during that mode (for example, overnight), on the=20
Conditions tab, select the Wake the computer to run this task check = box. If=20
you don’t set these parameters during the initial setup, you can = always go=20
back and access them via the Task Scheduler. Simply locate your task = in the=20
Task Scheduler Library, and then double-click it. This opens the = Properties=20
dialog box for a given task.
Let Windows do all the work
These = automated tasks-while they seem simple enough-are the foundation on =
which=20 your computer’s performance rests. Lucky for us, Windows can =
completely=20 handle these tasks. You never have to worry about them. You just
set = up your=20 maintenance tasks once, automate them, and let Windows take care
of = the=20 rest. _________________________ Top 8 Things You Shouldn’t = Give=20 Social Networking Sites
While websites like
make it easy to share vacation photos with old classmates, the = personal=20
information on social networks is also attracting people besides = friends and=20
family members.
Scam artists, identity thieves, debt collectors,=20 stalkers, hiring managers,
and companies looking for a marketing = advantage=20 are turning to social
networking sites to gather valuable = information.=20 Before you publish your
next status update, take care that you = aren’t=20 risking your identity,
security or reputation.
Below are eight = things you=20 shouldn’t give to a social network – when signing
up for an account, = posting=20 content or interacting with your contacts through
the network.
1. = Access=20 to your email account.
During the registration process, social = networks often=20 solicit a new user to
provide an email address and account password = so they=20 can access the user’s
email address book.
To be safe, don’t = provide this=20 information at all.
There are some social networks that capture a = user’s=20 email contacts and then
solicit them – often repeatedly, to = join.
If you=20 consider providing an email address and account password to a social=20
network, read all agreements (including the privacy policy very = carefully=20
before clicking on them.
2. An email address associated with your = professional life.
Never provide a work-associated email to a social = network,=20 especially when
signing up.
Consider creating a new email address = strictly to connect with your social
networking = profile(s).
Jobseekers=20 should take special care to keep professional and personal lives=20
3. Your exact date of birth, especially in combination = with=20 your place of
Your exact date of birth may be useful to an = identity thief.
A 2009 study published by researchers at Carnegie = Mellon=20 showed that a date
and place of birth could be used to predict most, = and=20 sometimes all, of the
nine digits of one’s Social Security = number.
If you=20 do decide to post your birthday, use privacy settings to restrict the=20
visibility of this information and don’t provide the year.
4. = Your=20 browsing history.
Delete cookies, including flash cookies, every time = you=20 leave a social
networking site. Also consider using a proxy server = to mask=20 your IP address,
such as Tor found at:
See (PRC=20 Fact Sheet 18: Privacy and the Internet) found at the link = below. Vacation Plans.
Don’t publicize vacation = plans,=20 especially the dates you’ll be traveling.
Remember, no matter how = carefully=20 you construct your privacy settings,
there’s no guarantee that what = you post=20 won’t become known to unauthorized
6. Public posts with = your=20 address, phone number or email address.
Don’t post your address, = phone number=20 or email address on a social network
profile or status = update.
Scam=20 artists as well as marketing companies may be looking for this kind of=20
information. If you do choose to post any portion of this, use = privacy=20
settings to restrict it to approved contacts. Be especially wary of=20
providing a GPS location of your home.
If you use a = location-aware social=20 network, use extra caution! Don’t
publicize the location of your = home=20 because people will know when you are
not there. (See Please Rob Me = -=20 Raising Awareness about Oversharing )
7. Compromising, sensitive,=20 embarrassing or inflammatory pictures or posts.
Remember that = whatever goes=20 on a network might eventually be seen by people
not in the intended=20 audience. Think about whether you would want a stranger,
an = insurance agent,=20 the government, your mother or a potential boss to see
certain = information=20 or pictures.
Don’t be afraid to ask to have content removed. Read = more about=20 what
information is public on social networks found at the link=20 below.
8. Money.
Be wary of requests for money, even = if they are=20 from contacts you know and
If a contact’s account is = compromised,=20 a scam artist may use his or her name
and account to attempt to = defraud=20 others through bogus money requests.
Any individual who participates = in=20 social networking sacrifices a certain
amount of privacy, but a = savvy user=20 can limit what they share.
Remember, the strongest tools users have = to defend=20 their personal privacy on
social networking sites are common sense, = caution=20 and skepticism. _________________________ RAM: Add More = Memory To=20 Your Computer
Your computer is a little like your physical work area. = The=20 hard drive is
the filing cabinet where you store your documents, and = memory-or RAM (random
access memory)-is the desk where you work. And = when=20 your RAM-like a full
desktop-isn’t big enough to hold all your work = easily,=20 your work slows down
and becomes more difficult. A good solution is = to=20 expand the space-or
install more RAM.
If it suddenly seems that = your=20 computer can’t keep up and the drive light is
flickering like crazy, = it’s=20 probably time to install RAM. But before you
unplug the cables, lug = the=20 machine to the car, drive to the computer store,
wait to have RAM = installed,=20 and pay for the service, read how to install RAM
Note: = Problems=20 with speed can also be caused by viruses, spyware, or other =
malicious=20 software. Make sure that your virus checker is up to date. Or =
download=20 Microsoft Security Essentials for free. entials
I. Determine how much RAM you have and how much = you=20 need
Before you buy anything, you need to know how much memory you = have and=20 what
type of memory to buy.
Find out how much RAM your computer=20 has
You can find out how much RAM is installed in your computer in = two ways.=20 You
can highlight the “my computer” icon in Windows xp or “computer” = icon in=20
Vista and seven. Then click your right mouse button or press the = application=20
Next click on properties or press the letter r for = properties. Here=20 you can
read down the screen and the ram is shown. If using a = screenreader,=20 use the
read to end keystroke or read current window=20 command.
Alternatively you can go to Control Panel.
To open System = Information, click Start, click All Programs, click
Accessories, = click=20 System Tools, and then click System Information. In the
left pane, = select=20 System Summary. The Installed Physical Memory (RAM) entry
in the = list tells=20 you how much RAM your computer has.
Go to Control Panel in your = version of=20 the Windows operating system to find
out how much RAM your computer=20 has:
The minimum amounts of RAM required for your version of Windows = are=20 shown
Windows Seven:
1 gigabyte (GB) RAM (32-bit) or 2 = GB RAM=20 (64-bit)
Windows Vista:
1 gigabyte (GB) of system memory (512 = megabytes=20 (MB) for Home Basic)
Windows XP:
At least 64 megabytes (MB) of RAM = (128 MB=20 is recommended)
In Windows XP, go to the Start menu, click Settings, = and then=20 click Control
Panel. Click System, and then select the General tab. = At the=20 bottom of the
page you will see the amount of RAM.
Find out how = much RAM=20 you need
Most games specify the minimum amount of RAM you need to = install and=20 play.
For example, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban requires = 256=20 megabytes
(MB). This amount includes RAM that the computer needs to = do its=20 own
background work in addition to running the game.
The amount = of RAM=20 you need depends on the operating system you are using.
For systems = running=20 Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows XP, you should have
the minimum = recommended amount, but more can be better, depending on your
needs. = If you=20 just use your PC for surfing the Internet and writing letters,
you = may need=20 only the minimum amount of RAM required to run the version of =
Windows you=20 have installed on your computer. But for the best =
performance-especially if=20 you keep several programs open at the same time
while you’re=20 working-consider increasing the RAM on your computer to at
least 2 = gigabytes=20 (GB).
For more RAM-intensive programs, such as games or photo = editing, or if=20 you
like to use a lot of applications at the same time, such as = desktop=20
publishing and video rendering, you may need additional RAM. = Individual=20
programs come with system requirements that show both the minimum = RAM needed=20
to run the program, and the amount of RAM needed for its best=20 performance.
You can buy RAM modules in a variety of sizes, typically = 1-GB,=20 2-GB, and
4-GB modules.
II. Figure out what type of RAM you = need
To=20 determine the maximum amount of RAM your computer can handle along with =
the=20 speed, consult your PC owner’s manual, which should show you the number =
of=20 slots (the place where you insert the RAM), how much RAM each can take, =
and=20 the maximum RAM your system can use.
Contact the  manufacturer = or use an=20 online memory advisor, such as those
from Crucial = Technology
or Kingston Technology:
These=20 memory advisors use information that you enter about your computer =
model and=20 do a memory check for your specific PC that tells you which
products = work=20 with your system.
To find out what kind of module you need, you can = also open=20 up your
1. First, turn off the computer, but leave it = plugged=20 in so that it’s
automatically grounded. (Computers that should not = remain=20 plugged in will be
clearly marked.)
2. Place the computer on a = clean=20 workspace and remove the cover carefully
(you may need to use a=20 screwdriver).
3. Touch the case to ground yourself. When you touch = the case,=20 it discharges
static electricity that could otherwise damage your = computer.=20 (Note that
some manuals recommend anti-static wrist straps, but this = is not=20 necessary
for home users.)
4. Locate the RAM modules, which are = green=20 with black tubes, on the
motherboard. For a visually impaired = computer user,=20 these are long sticks
about one inch tall and around three to four = inches.=20 They fit into small
long slots on the motherboard with clips on each = end of=20 the memory chip.
5. Now determine the type of module you have. You = can=20 identify the type by
its appearance.
RDRAM is paired up (you have = to put=20 in two at a time) and has metal casing
on one side.
DDR SDRAM is = the most=20 popular and looks like regular RAM but has one notch.
SDRAM (which is = being=20 phased out) has two notches.
6. Also note your RAM speed, which is = usually=20 written on the side of the
existing chip (either 266 or 333).
7. = If you=20 don’t have a free slot, remove one of the memory cards to check
the = number=20 of notches on it. You will replace the smaller of the two RAM=20
You can buy ram here: D.50788100/categoryID.50789100?WT.mc_id=3DMSCOM_EN_US_AH_A_addmemory
III. Install your new RAM
1. Turn off the = computer, and=20 touch the metal casing.
Note: If you have a computer that should not = remain=20 plugged in while you
work on it, turn off the computer and unplug = the power=20 cord. Then, press the
button that turns on the power to your = computer. This=20 action helps you to be
sure that there is no residual power to the = memory=20 slots or the computer’s
motherboard. The board also may have an LED = light=20 that is lit, which is
another indication that there is residual = power.
2.=20 Open the compartment where your RAM is installed. You may have to remove =
screws to open the compartment.
You may need to use a screwdriver = to open=20 the compartment where RAM modules
are installed.
3. Locate the RAM = modules=20 (RAM cards). Find the empty slot where you plan to
add a module, or = remove=20 the RAM module you are replacing.
4. Line up the notches of the new = RAM=20 module, and apply firm pressure to
5. After you’re sure = the RAM=20 module is snugly in place, close the latch at
either end. If you = have clips,=20 they should snap back in place.
6. The RAM module has been installed = and is=20 snugly in place.
7. Reconnect all the cables, but leave the casing = open until=20 you’re sure
everything is working right.
8. Turn your computer = back on.=20 If the machine starts to beep, the memory is
either incompatible or = not=20 correctly in its slot. If you’ve installed
everything correctly, the = system=20 will detect the new RAM.
9. Check your system information to see how = much RAM=20 you now have. If you
replaced a 512-MB module with a 1-GB one, you = should=20 have 1 GB (1,024 MB)
minus 512 -or 512 MB more RAM than you did = previously.=20 If you added the RAM
but didn’t remove any, you should have 1 GB = more RAM,=20 for a total of 1.5 GB.
10. Try one of your programs that wasn’t = working well.=20 If it still isn’t
working, unplug everything again and get back into = the=20 computer to check
that the RAM modules are firmly secured.
IV. = Quick=20 facts about RAM
RAM =3D random access memory. RAM is the primary = working memory=20 in a computer
used for the temporary storage of programs and data = and in=20 which the data
can be accessed directly and modified.
RAM is = measured in=20 bytes: 1 gigabyte (GB) =3D 1,024 megabytes (MB) =3D 1,048,576 =
kilobytes=20 (KB)
V. Shopping checklist
Amount of memory/RAM you have: __ = MB
Amount=20 of memory/RAM you require: __ MB
Amount of memory/RAM on each module: = __ MB=20 and __ MB
Maximum amount of RAM your computer can handle: __ = MB
Amount of=20 memory/RAM you will buy: __ MB
RAM speed for your computer:
Adapted from an original article written by Mara=20 Gulens. _________________________ Sites Of The Week
1. = The=20 makers of the free screen reader NVDA announce that 2012.1beta1 has =
been=20 released. This version promises a better experience for Braille users, =
much=20 more access to format information in Word, and access to the iTunes=20
2. New podcast from Applevis site for i-devices, = we=20 have:
Three Weather Apps Go Head-To-Head:
NVDA and iTunes:
A=20 Demonstration of the Improved Accessibility Coming Soon to the Hokusai =
Audio=20 Editor for iOS:
An In-Depth Demonstration of the Tascam iM2 Stereo = Microphone=20 Adapter
Turn Your iPhone into a Motion Detector with VM = Alert:
3. Here is lots of technical information about access = improvements in=20
version 10 of Firefox: ox-10/3.
4. Here you can get a text tutorial for the = game King of=20 Dragon Pass:
5. The NFB anticipates some employment = opportunities will=20 result from new
regulations requiring video description of more TV = shows.=20 They are offering
a training, fourteen to eighteen May, expenses = paid, to=20 gain the necessary
6. From=20 the February, 2012 Braille Monitor come two articles: I Am a Blind=20
Electrical Engineer: 04.htm
Mainstream Access to E-Books: My = Perspective: 08.htm
7. In response to a question, this is said to be = an Internet=20 speed test site
which is accessible:
8. This article=20 is entitled Jailbreaking Your iPhone 4S Or iPad 2: Not
Nearly As = Scary As It=20 Might Sound ad-not-nearly-as-scary-as-it-might-sound/
9. Here is a link to a a List of Siri = Commands:
10. Here is a place to obtain Nine iPhone Apps to = Get You out=20 of Bad
Situations: t-you-out-of-bad-situations
11. Learning ally has created tutorials on how to = use their=20 vastly improved
audiobook Manager: helf-and-Audiobook-Manager/Learning-Ally-Audiobook-Manager-screen-reader-= audio-instructions/959/
12. Web Site of the Week (Life’s Little = Mysteries)
I’ve=20 been on the mailing list for this site, and I’m always amazed with the=20
things they come up with. There isn’t one particular topic, but if = you want=20
to learn answers to questions you might not have thought to ask, = you’ll like=20
the site.
If you’re a curious person this is a terrific site – = you never=20 know what
they’ll come up with next.
The site has these = categories for=20 you to browse; Body Mind, Creatures,
Culture, Earth, Space, = Entertainment,=20 Money, Sports, Tech, and Weird. Or you
can sign up for the = newsletter, join=20 the mailing list, or grab the app for
That’s my = description, here’s=20 the description from the website:
Life’s Little Mysteries answers = fascinating=20 questions about the world around
you and the stuff in it, from = things in the=20 news and on your mind to crazy
questions you didn’t even know you = had. Our=20 team of experienced reporters
and editors do serious research while = having=20 loads of fun, to explain the
world’s objects and phenomena, natural = and=20 man-made.
The site content is usually fun and interesting – nothing = terribly=20 serious
or disturbing. They have published a book; there are a few = ads=20 promoting it
but nothing intrusive – the ads are modeled on the look = of the=20 site and fit
right in.
Life’s Little Mysteries _________________________ If you know of someone who = would like to=20 join Mama’s Corner, please contact
her at: _________________________ Quotes for the day
Taken = from Melanie=20 mama’s corner Quote For Today:
Being a role model is the most = powerful=20 form of educating. Youngsters need
good models more than they need = critics.=20 It’s one of a parent’s greatest
responsibilities and = opportunities.
John=20 Wooden
_________________________ Quote For Today:
“The = mindless=20 junk of your past crowds out opportunities and sets pointless =
limitations.=20 Move out the junk, and you create room for the rest of your
life.=20 Ultimately, it’s not just a question of tidying your house; it’s a =
question=20 of liberating your heart.”
Merlin=20 Mann
_________________________ Quote For Today:
The past is = finished. There is nothing to be gained by going over it.
Whatever = it gave=20 us in the experiences it brought us was something we had to =
–=20 Rebecca Beard
_________________________ Quote For Today:
We = are at=20 our very best, and we are happiest, when we are fully engaged in =
work we=20 enjoy on the journey toward the goal we’ve established for =
ourselves. It=20 gives meaning to our time off and comfort to our sleep. It
makes = everything=20 else in life so wonderful, so worthwhile.
Earl=20 Nightingale
_________________________ Quote For Today:
In=20 everyone’s life, at some time, our inner fire goes
out. It is then = burst into=20 flame by an encounter with
another human being. We should all be = thankful=20 for
those people who rekindle the inner spirit.
Albert=20 Schweitzer
_________________________ Quote For = Today:
“Here’s to=20 the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The =
round pegs=20 in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re =
not fond=20 of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can
quote = them,=20 disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing
you = can’t=20 do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human =
race=20 forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.=20
Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the = world,=20
are the ones who do.”
_________________________ Quote For=20 Today:
“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift = of God,=20 which
is why we call it the present.”
— Bil=20 Keane
_________________________ If you know of someone who = would like=20 to join Mama’s Corner, please contact
her at:

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